Super Easy No Bake Oatmeal Cookie for Lazy People

Monday, February 05, 2018

I think this is the longest title I've ever write. But, really guys, I just want to state that this is really easy to make. Before I tell you about the recipe, I want to tell you a little story.


So, I've had a trouble skin for a while now. I have a lot of pimples that won't get away from my face. Then, I do a little research on internet how to get rid of my pimples. It says that I have to maintain my sugar intake, and one way to do it is switching my consumption of white flour with wheat or oatmeal. So I was thinking like, "Oh, oatmeal seems nice as a snack, since I get hungry pretty easily". I know it usually be eaten as breakfast, but I always eat rice for breakfast. It's just Indonesian thing. Fast forward to future, I bought a bag of instant oatmeal (400 gr). I started making my first bowl of oatmeal the very next afternoon, and I just realized that I DON'T LIKE THE TASTE at all. It tastes  slimy and cold (even if I used hot water) and awful (even if I put a lot of honey and raisin in it). I just don't want to eat it anymore, but I hate to throw away food as well.

The End.


So, because of that I started to search for an oatmeal cookie at youtube so that I don't have to throw away the rest of oatmeal that I've bought.

I searched for no bake recipe because it's easier and because I don't have such fancy cooking utensil like oven. And I found one:

  1. Put a tablespoon of butter in a pan, turn on the stove in low heat
  2. Put 1/4 cup of dark chocolate, 2 tablespoon of sugar, 1/4 cup of milk, mix well
  3. Put the mixture in low heat for about 2 minutes
  4. Remove the pan from the stove and add 1 cup of oatmeal, mix well
  5. Shape your cookie by adding 1 tablespoon of cookie on the parchment paper and freeze it for about 30 minutes.
But, I don't have all the ingredient so I just skipped some ingredients or being smart, switched with other ingredients. So, here is how I made my cookie:

  1. Put a tablespoon of butter in a pan, turn on the stove in low heat
  2. Put 1 sachet of instant hot chocolate and 1/4 cup of water, mix well. (instant hot chocolate is easy, because it's already contained chocolate, milk, and sugar)
  3. Put the mixture in low heat for about 2 minutes
  4. Remove the pan from the stove and add 1 cup of oatmeal, mix well
  5. I don't have parchment paper, so I just shape it in a container! And freeze it for about 30 minutes.
And voila! My super easy no bake oatmeal cookie is done (I don't want it to look messy if I shaped it into round shape like real cookie, so I just shaped it into a bar, and it's a lot easier).

Finally, it tastes better than a regular bowl of oatmeal. It's sweet, chocolatey, and soft (not slimy!). I'm happy!

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