The School for Good and Evil #2: A World Without Princes (2014)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Title                      : The School for Good and Evil #2: A world Without Princes
Author                  : Soman Chainani
Genre                   : Fantasy
Score                    : 8/10

In the epic sequel to the New York Times bestselling novel, The School for Good and Evil, Sophie and Agatha are home, living out their Ever After. But life isn’t quite the fairy tale they expected.
When Agatha secretly wishes she’d chosen a different ending, she reopens the gates to the School for Good and Evil. But the world she and Sophie once knew has changed.
Witched and princesses, warlock and princes are no longer enemies. New bonds are forming; old bonds are being shattered. But underneath this uneasy arrangement, a war is brewing and a dangerous enemy rises. As Agatha and Sophie battle to restore peace, an unexpected threat could destroy everything, and everyone, they love – and this time, it comes from within.

By the time I finished reading The School for Good and Evil, I thought that the story of Sophie and Agatha had finished and they would live happily ever after, just the way they want in the first book until I found out that this book has its sequel published a year after.

A World Without Princes, once again, tells the story of Sophie and Agatha. This book is still using two point of view, Sophie’s and Agatha’s, just like the first book. But, if the first book is more about Agatha, this time, the second book is more about Sophie. In this book, Sophie’s charracter is not only misserable and tragic, but also sympathetic at the same time. As if I just feel sorry about her and feel her broken heart when her bestfriend betrayed her. This book is the reason why I loved the villain. This book told the untold story and feelings of the villain which always end up misserable, pityfull, and unloved.

The book its self is so much better from the first book. There’re a lot of plot twist which make me want to go to the next page, curious about what will happened. It was successful making me stayed up all night once again to finish this book. It still has a lot of pages though. The humor, surprisingly worked on me a few times. And as Soman Chainani did a good work on The School for Good and Evil ending, he also did a good work in the second book’s ending, even better. He is finally leave a big question in my mind about what will happened next as I reach the last page, wanting more explaination, sure that there will be the next book.

All I regret of this book is that this book is not as dark as the first book is. Then, the plot some times can be easily predictable and some times contain a silly scene, made me irritated with the storyline. But again, since this book’s target market (and also the charracters inside) is teenager with age younger than mine, I think it isn’t a big problem then. So in the end, I can proudly give score 8/10 for this book.

As I mentioned before, there will be another book from The School for Good and Evil series, and this 3rd book will be the last sequel of The School for Good and Evil. Titled The Last Ever After, will be published on this July 2015.

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